Piano Lessons For Teenagers: Why Just Listen To Music When You Can Learn To Play Music?
Don’t just listen to music, play it!

Taking piano or guitar lessons is something that is great in your life no matter how old your child is. Some teenagers have been blessed by their parents to be in music lessons from an early age and others are given the opportunity later in their life. The teen years is a great time to be taking music lessons! There is no time where it is just “too late” to start learning an instrument.
Piano lessons for teenagers
Some of my teenage piano students have been taking piano lessons since they were little and their parents have wanted piano lessons to be a part of their education. The enjoyment that those students have playing the piano and the advanced pieces of music they are able to play is rewarding for all involved. Some students develop an interest in learning to play the piano as they got older and not so much when they were young children. Some of the questions that I am asked is:
Will it be hard for my teenager to learn to play the piano?
Did I wait too long, will they be able to advance very far?
Is it worth it, what if they decide they don’t want to continue with lessons?
I don’t want to play little kid music.
Learning to play the piano as a teenager has it’s own advantages and disadvantages. It is actually easier for an older student to pick up playing the piano, because they are able to retain and remember more things at one time. So teenagers taking piano lessons are going to be moving at a faster rate than a 5 or 6 year old would be doing. Normally there is so much information being absorbed during each lessons that I generally recommend teenagers and adults have 45-60 min piano lessons if they would like to continue to grow at a rapid pace.
Of course students who started taking piano lessons as preschoolers or early childhood are going to be at a more advanced skill level than those that waited, but it doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to become very good at playing the piano. The more time and effort someone puts into practice the faster and better they will become.
Piano lessons just like every other activity has it’s moments of “I want to give up,” it happens at all ages from 3 year olds to adults. The thing is though, that piano lessons are great for you! Even if your child wishes to discontinue, having them continue in lessons and continue to practice they will push through the hurdle and begin to enjoy it again. In my experience every student is different and I try and keep students motivated by customizing their piano lessons to keep it interesting to them as far as music genre and at a pace where they don’t get bored (or feel overwhelmed). I believe that piano lessons are a source of great enjoyment, and I wish for everyone to have that experience.
Teenagers who play an instrument are….
Let’s face it, the high school years are not the easiest. Many of my students who take piano lessons love it because it helps them in many ways, mentally and emotionally. Having an outlet like piano lessons helps teenagers have something that they feel good about themselves and their progress. Unlike many activities that are group settings, there is no one to compare yourself to or feel judged by. You are trying to reach goals that are set by you and your teacher, and every time that a goal is accomplished it gives a boost to your self-esteem. It can also be quite fun learning to play both classical music and your favorite pop songs that you love to listen to on the radio. Playing with your other musical friends is a great way to spend time as well, and who knows how creative things can get with creating your own music.
Students who have taken piano lessons earlier in life sometimes choose to take up a different instrument as a teenager, usually wishing to learn to play the guitar. It is amazing how fast teenagers are able to learn to play the guitar when they had already had years of piano training.
Playing the piano is also a very relaxing and calming activity. Life can be stressful and having an activity that is not only peaceful but beneficial and helps you learn something is a great way to spend your time. As it will continue to be a blessing to your life and something you will be able to go to through your adult life.